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In the dungeon

Closely related to the Lords of Lauenstein's legal history.

Until the middle of the 19th century, court was held at Lauenstein castel. Numerous files from the 17th and 18th centuries allow us to take a look at the time of the Counts of Bünau, which had the privilege of the low and high jurisdiction, which meant that they were allowed to judge about money fine, and even sentence people to death.

A dark dungeon from the Middle Ages on the grounds of the castle also bear witness to the handling of guilty ones so as the detention cells and the guard room of the 19th century in the cellars in the east wing of the castle.

  • Foto: Blick in eine Gefängniszelle durch die Klappe einer dicken eisenbeschlagenen hölzernen Kerkertür. Im Kerker eine sitzende Person (Ausstellungsfigurine)
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