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Hunting, game and forest - The history of the hunting in the Eastern Ore Mountains

For the Lords of Lauenstein, hunting has always played an important role. As early as in the Middle Ages, hunting became more and more the sole privilege of the nobles. The Counts of Bünau had the right of hunting of small and big game. Numerous trophies, animal preparations and hunting weapons can be seen in the permanent exhibition.

In Lauenstein, the bite-hunting has probably a longer tradition. So tells the famous Lauensteiner Tell a spectacular kidnapping:

The castle owner of Lauenstein died on a journey around 1651. His wife, Agnes Katharina von Bünau, who was now the owner of Lauenstein, gave birth to a boy whom she loved very much three months after the death of the lord of the castel. When the boy was two years old, the mother and the child stayed on a beautiful spring day on a hill near the castle. The boy was sleeping on the soft lawn. The mother moved away to pick flowers. Suddenly a huge bird of prey flew out of the forest, which grabed the sleeping child with its talons and rose with him into the air. Slowly he carried the heavy load to the nearby rock.

Fortunately the falconer at the castle had witnessed. He then sent his bravest falcons to rescue the child. He pressed the mighty bird of prey so much that this one had to let go of the child. Since the eagle could not fly very high due to the the considerable load, the child fell onto the meadow undisturbed and could be handed over to his mother.

  • historische Jagdszene: Jäger ziehlt mit einer Flinte auf ein fliehendes Reh, vor ihm läuft ein Jagdhund, im Hintergrund Schloss und Stadt Lauenstein auf einem Berg, historische Grafik aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, schwarrz-weiß,
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