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High above the Müglitztal, the Schloss Lauenstein castle is picturesque view on a steep cliff. It is a jewel of Saxon Renaissance architecture.

he historical origins of the castle are unknown. Lauenstein is probably founded around the year 1200 as a border castle. Whether the margraves of Meißen or the Bohemian aristocracy of the Hrabishites were allowed to invest in securing their country is uncertain. Lauenstein is mentioned for the first time in writing in 1241. Even today, the ruins are still reminiscent of the medieval castle.
The castle is essentially characterized by the Renaissance style. The east and south-west wings have been preserved from the once three-winged castle. The north wing collapsed in the middle of the 19th century due to dilapidation. It has not yet been rebuilt.

  • Blick vom Naschgarten auf das Schloss
  • Das Schloss mit Burgruine
  • Schloss im Winter

The impressive Wappensaal, the Vogelsaal, the music room and many interesting details still testify today to the artistry of the builder Günther von Bünau (1557 - 1619)  
and the subsequent generations of Saxon noble family, residing for three centuries in Lauenstein. High-quality portrait sculptures - dating from the beginning of the 17th century - have been preserved in the chapel and the tower room. The reconstructed park in baroque style and the herb garden with its ornamental plants frame the castle.
The main castle has been extensively renovated and restored over the past three decades and now houses the Museum of East Ore Mountains.


A "Christianus de Lewensteine" is mentioned as a witness of Margrave Heinrich in Tharandt
it is thought that the "castrum Levensteyn" listed among the possessions, the son of Margrave Heinrich of Illustrious (1218 - 1288) thoughts came up, Friedrich, cede to the Bohemian King
Pledged Albrecht the Elder - Burggraf of Leisnig - Lauenstein to Herrmann Burggraf of Meißen: here Lauenstein is already called "castle"
around 1340
Lords of the castle are those of Bergau, for the first time the place Lauenstein and also ironworks around Lauenstein are mentioned
By Emperor Charles IV (1316 - 1378) and son Wenzel (1361 - 1419), in common with the Margrave of Meißen, Lauenstein was declared a Bohemian fief, but the Saxon margraves
1374 - 1436
Lords of Kürbitz reside on the castle as inheritance administrator of the lords of Bergau
Elector Frederick the Gentle. (1412 - 1464) bought the mines of Altenberg and Zinnwald and in this context, Burg Lauenstein, bailiffs manage the castle
In the treaty of Eger, Lauenstein is transferred to Saxony as a hereditary Bohemian fief, and the lease is not expired until 1806
Elector Frederick II. the Gentle sold the castle and town Lauenstein to the councilors of Freiberg and mine owners Hans Munzer, this is instrumental in the development of mining Lauensteiner Region
The castle and town go to Münzer's relative, Stephan Alnpeck the Younger, who gives the town urban privileges
from 1517 onwards
Castle and Lauenstein owned by von Bünau, will be inherited within the family until 1821
devastating city fire: a great contribution in the reconstruction by Günther von Bünau (1557 - 1619), he had Lauenstein taken over after the fire - castle and church received new artworks the sculptor Michael Schwenke from Pirna (1563 - 1610) and Lorentz Hörnig (1575 - 1624 ), Among other things, Wappensaal and the Vogelsaal. Other city fires: 1643, 1668, 1806, 1858
Count Carl Ludwig August von Hohenthal-Dölkau acquires the castle, after his death in 1826 in possession of Hohenthal-Püchaus
1852 to 1899
The castle in the east wing houses business premises of the Royal District Court and District Courts
Hohenthal-Püchaus loses the castle through land reform, this is going on in the country property, it is been transferered to the City Lauenstein, housing for refugees and evacuees are set in the castle, nursery and youth club are also located in the castle
the 1950s
Citizens in the castle open a local museum, which must later close again due to lack of maintenance
Middle of the 1970s
restoration works begin on the castle and of some rooms
the museum re-opens
the 1990s
beginn with the securing work of the castle ruins, the reconstruction of the Baroque park and the expansion of the museum
The castle houses the Museum of Eastern Ore Mountains. The castle with museum is sponsored by the city of Altenberg. It is promoted through the cultural area Elbtal - Saxon Switzerland - Osterzgebirge
werden das Lauensteiner Schloss sowie die Lauensteiner Kirche UNESCO-Welterbe als Bestandteil der Montanregion Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří


Lauensteiner Hutkonzerte: Lutz Funke & Carsten Nachtigall

GANZ GROßES KINO - Birdhouse Jazz spielt Filmmusik

Mit diesem Programm erfüllt Birdhouse Jazz sich und seinen Fans einen langgehegten Traum: Bearbeitungen von Film-, Musical- und Gospelmelodien sowie eigene Kompositionen berühren und lassen Filmstars von Charlie Chaplin bis Captain Jack Sparrow oder James Bond bis Solo Sunny vor dem inneren Auge erscheinen. Aber auch tierische Freunde wie Harry Potters Hedwig und andere Helden aus Kindertagen dürfen natürlich nicht fehlen! Tauchen Sie ein in die fantastische Kinowelt und erleben Sie große Emotionen – "Ganz großes Kino" mit Carsten Nachtigall (Piano) und moderiert mit einem Augenzwinkern von Lutz Funke (Alt-, Tenor- und Baritonsaxophon).



Öffentliche Führung

Treffpunkt ist die Museumskasse

Dauer: ca. 1 Stunde

Wir führen Sie durch unsere abwechslungsreiche Dauerausstellung und die wunderschönen Räume des Schlosses.



2. Lauensteiner Wandelkonzert

Die Hofkapelle Lauenstein lädt zum zweiten  Wandelkonzert durch Schloss und Garten ein.

Es musizieren Annekathrin Rammelt, Annekathrin Laabs, Ulrich Rüger, Judith Izsak

Genießen Sie beim Wandeln durch das Schloss an besonderen Orten auserlesene Werke von Vivaldi, Telemann, Bach, Glière und anderen Komponisten. Es erwarten Sie außerdem kleinen kulinarischen Überraschungen sowie kurze Episoden aus der Schlossgeschichte passend zum sommerlichen Konzert .




Jan Švankmajer – Wunderkammer




Lauensteiner Stadtgeschichten





Führung durch die Dauerausstellung

We lead you tot he most beautifull rooms oft he castle and visit interesting exhibitions.



The smell of blooming herbs.


Auf die Stunde kommt es an – Streifzug durch die sächsische Postgeschichte

Lady’s maid Johanna takes you on a time journey throughout the history of postal services in Saxony.


Partner und Förderer

Schlösserland Sachsen
Welterbe Verein
Familienfreundliche Freizeiteinrichtung
Kulturraum Meißen Sächsische Schweiz Osterzgebirge
Ostsächsischer Sparkasse Dresden
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